Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Wasp Payment, Mister Moan Vocals, Open Mic

I've finally been paid by the Macc Art Lounge for the Wasp painting. Rather than an apology for the weeks of stress over this, I was blamed and shamed for the asking for the money. I've probably sold 30 or so works at Macc Art Lounge and, unless I happened to be there, every payment has taken several weeks or months and repeated reminders. I'm relieved that the issue is now resolved.

A day of singing yesterday. I recorded the Mister Moan vocals. It's a fun tune to sing, with a challenging melody and a few higher notes. There aren't too many harmony layers. I've added a second lower layer for parts of the chorus and may add more. For some reason I sang it in a slightly strained American-like accent, a bit like Elton John's vocals. It seems to work, but I'm unsure.

The open mic at the Red Cow was really nice. It was a little quieter than normal in numbers, but still busy and all of the music first class. New performer Paul Parish was nice to discover, we were treated to the first live performance of June Holland's first single release 'Old Fashioned' - she's an amazing singer and music artist, I'm sure destined for great things. Steve van Niekirk performed a few solo works, one reminded me a Rush quite a lot because it was so complex musically and lyrically. My two songs went to plan, and Deb and I performed At Freud's Lecture, and Velvet Gelt.

For the first time I assisted as I could with the sound mixing, and took part in the finale tunes of The Wonder of You and Stand By Me. These were both in the key of Bb, though I had to discover that and pick my way though the songs as they were being performed. As usual in these situations, I felt I had it by the time it was all over.

A good night.

One immediate thing to do today is fix up my MODX music stand as the 'hole' at the bolt point is causing problems. I had the idea of using a flexible plastic sheet with elongated holes, so it could flex and slide. One downside is that it's awkward to drill the no-assembled stand. This sort of thing should really be part of the original design, but this screw-on part was designed before I knew about that hole...