Sunday, April 21, 2024

SFXEngine, A Drive Through The Town

Last night I realised that I didn't have to, and indeed could not, translate the components of the SFXEngine plug-ins as the sounds use the name to locate them. I started work on the broad translation work today, adding German text and a manual, but the job grew in workload. One problem is that there are specific terms, like 'Engine' which are used in the program and I expect that a similar specific term would be needed in any translation. I expect I'd encounter similar problems with any other languages too.

The simplest solution is to ignore that and simply translate the English entirely, as if 'Engine', though that word and its meaning can vary in other languages. The best solution would be to translate by, or have the results proofread by, a native language speaker. Both options were overwhelming today. I had aimed to make some simple steps towards translation, and the job grew into something that has taken days and could take weeks. I've sold 7 copies of SFXEngine in the (almost) year since launch, so made less than one-morning's minimum wage to date, so on one level it's not successful enough to warrant the work I'm putting into it. On another level, one could argue that if I put more work in (more languages?) it might become a hit, and that I merely haven't reached that threshold!

This is my life's dilemma.

I've decided to update the code, and ignore the text translations for now. The next update is ready for translation if I deem it worthwhile.

I've listened to my new album, A Drive Through The Town, in proof and need to make a few mixing changes. It's generally good. It's one of my most mainstream albums, with less of a theme than We Robot and several short and snappy songs which could be cult hits, or actual smash hits if the album were to be published by a major label. I've pushed myself in a different area in each one, and it's perhaps my most technically accomplished in production and performance terms. I'll probably release a single or two, and not tour or perform many. I'll make the sheet music. I'll file the album and enjoy it and feel proud of it (or perhaps not-enjoy it and cringe) while nobody but myself pays any attention to it. I've certainly grown as a performer and singer during its creation; this is perhaps my greatest benefit.

What next?