Thursday, October 17, 2024

Eckelmann Bass

Sigh! A huge amount of work on the bass for The Cabinet Of Dr Eckelmann. The original (live) sound was a Reface DX sound, so I've made something similar on the MODX. I played an intro with some strnage bends live, and that sounded okay. Then I wanted to sequence the full song's bassline.

I imported the intro MIDI sequence into Prometheus, but noticed that it didn't import pitch bends - I'd not actually programmed in pitch bend imports or exports before... hmm. So I spent 90 minutes or so programming MIDI pitch bend support into Prometheus. Values can range from -1 to +1, as with any Prometheus parameter, and these are exported in the MIDI range of (an awkward) -8192 to +8191.

Then I programmed in the bassline; but it sounded buzzy and strange, not close enough to the Reface version. The expression of velocities, bends and wheels and the other aspects of playing make such a difference, so I'll play it live instead.

The structure of the song is finalised; it's F-min organ chords, which shift to an odd 0-3-6 chord (part E-minor, part G-minor) then E minor to major, before a leap to A-minor. Then everything repeats, with a synth solo over the intro, where the finale hits the A. I wanted very synthetic instruments because there was something futuristic and electronic about the 1920s.

The bass the last aspect of this.