Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Sound Effects, Jobs To Do

Full in sound effect mode today and yesterday. Updated SFXEngine to v1.35 today and began work on future sound effect packs.

I've decided to release these after another major update to the program. Given all of the recent big upgrades to Prometheus, I've decided to incorporate the bulk of these into SFXEngine. The principle improvements to the program would be the ability to change the core program frequency from 44100hz to just about any (48000hz is more common than 44100hz now), and the use of double sample pointers to extend the sample size beyond the current 90-second limit, and up to several hours if memory permits. These two changes would make SFXEngine ideal for mass audio processing of many sorts; audiobooks for example.

These changes are big, at least a week's work, and will require the recompiling and hand-tweaking of all 100-or-so plugins. It's a long term goal, not something I'll start just yet. Today I've been working on 16 sound effect packs of 75 sounds each, and will continue to compile these over the coming days.

Other jobs are pressing. I've glued by three lengths of wood, so need to make the frames for 'sleep' and the Hudson painting. I may do more on those tomorrow too. I have two weeks to finalise the Hudson frame at least (I'd like to make it part of the artwork and decorate it with cloth) and scan the sleep painting before the Grosvenor deadline. I also have a song to write and practice for the Paul Simon night, frame the scarecrow painting for John Lindley's album launch, and finish the Fall in Green album.

My method of working is to think only of completed things. I don't 'tinker' or create for the sake of creating. I think: 'If I can complete anything instantly, what would I do?' and move from there. This is why my to-do list is a list of completed items.
