Monday, October 14, 2024

Final Paintings, Prometheus v3.48, Threads

A couple of busy days. Finished framing 'Bird Cage In Terra Cotta' yesterday, and the Theresienstadt painting. For each framed painting, I measure and weigh it, photograph it flat, and at a more 'natural' angle on the wall, and now some some photos with myself too. This all increases the record keeping burden, but I think this is worth it. I'm really pleased with how they look.

Then, a couple of hours work on this blog. For years I've used a 'Sculptural Design' tag to cover frames (which often include sculptural elements, cabinets etc.) and posts about furniture design. It's often annoyed me however that framing wasn't a separate tag, so I've replaced 'Sculptural Design' with 'Framing' and 'Furniture Design'. Cabinets are frames of a sort, and may include sculpture, or engineering in projects like the Eden Iris. I had about 200 posts to update. Many have faulty image placement or formatting due to the different ways Blogger has formatted images over the 20-year lifetime of this blog. Updating those took longest.

After that, more work on Prometheus, slight work. I wanted to fix a bug where wav files with markers sometimes loaded incorrectly. I really need a faulty wav file to test this with, as mine all now seem to work(!) but the 'cue ' chunk is a candidate, as this includes a 'data' chunk (why on earth 'data' is used as a sub-chunk AND a primary chunk name I don't know!). I now skip over cue chunks, so this may help. Plus, I added more features to the import/export of sequences as CSV. This is a useful format because it's so simple. A list of notes and times between is all that's needed to create a tune. Now I've added all types of event (including Set Modulator, Set Parameter etc.) which may be useful at times. I've never needed any export but notes before, but wanted the feature when working on 'We Used To Store Sunlight' and it wasn't there. I realised that there's no way to save or copy the parameter changes and fades, meaning I had to resort to pencil and paper. I won't have to now.

Today, back the painting and finishing 'She Was Always Asleep At School', and 'Castle For The King Of Death':

Over the past two days we've re-watched Threads on television; my 3rd viewing and Deb's first. We were shown this in school, in Religious Education lessons. Always scary and disturbing, I could not help but muse on post-apocalyptic survival techniques and technologies. An anti-fallout centrifugal water purifier came to mind using plastic water bottles and a bicycle wheel. Spinning the bottles and extracting the top water should result in clean water.