Tuesday, October 08, 2024

New Fall in Green Album Work

Yesterday began by cleaning my PC, a good thing to do annually anyway, and aiming to discover the cause of an intermittent fan rattle, which is minor but had been disturbing me. It appears to be the case fan which is good news, I'd feared it was the expensive and hard to replace PSU. I hoovered inside the case, first blowing the dust away with a camera lens blower. Hoovering of delicate surfaces is much easier by blowing the dust and sucking if from the air. Hoovers should all come with powerful air blowers near the nozzle!

Then, back to music, and the next Fall in Green album. I started four tracks last December, works which we've performed live often but not yet recorded: Effervescent, Ponderous Tomes, Sunchild, and Velvet Gelt. Resuming work revealed a new bug in Prometheus related to the recent upgrades, so I fixed that, then a disturbing crash when importing MIDI. That's never happened before, and I don't think it's connected with the new updates. I couldn't reproduce it.

Then I recorded the piano part for another track from the Rattenfanger era which we've performed a few times, the rather pretty Silk Merchant's Song. It is a poem about Somerset Maughm's quest for contentment and the Mona Lisa; the wife of a silk merchant. Musically it's a simple melody focused on the piano, similar to Time Falling or the more gentle Salome tracks, painting pictures with simple notes, part Debussey, part Satie, but very spartan.

In the evening Deb came to record the vocals for all five tracks, and today I've added the Sunchild vocals. While working on the Silk Merchant's Song I found the need to quantise notes to the notes in the MIDI guide track, so added the feature to skip note entry based on the notes in a guide track (Track 1). I could already quantise to Track 1 later, but having the ability to type directly has instantly been useful, so Prometheus is now upgraded to v3.56.

The five tracks, plus an improvised instrumental called Anthem for the Solstice are already enough for a complete EP, but we have lots to add, if only of works we've performed.