Sunday, August 02, 2020


Two full days of Argus programming. For the first time today, I made something move, and the test objects have been deleted, now all of the objects in the software are designed by the user and appear as designed. The sequencer is largely functional, although there is no cut-copy-paste yet, and you can't move events about or load and save anything (that will inevitably come last), but generally, I can now, for the first time, make things appear and move.

As in my music software, Prometheus, any parameter can be modulated at any time, so you can attach, say, a sine wave to the x-position of an actor to make it swish side to side, or attach anything to the camera (position or angle), or any light (position, colour). These can be attached or detached programmatically at any particular frame, so there's a lot of power in that alone, and those are not the only way to move things. The modulators are simple wav files, so easy to design.

I'm very stressed at the moment, the workload is huge and the hours very long. I'm feeling almost panicky most of the time, and must try to limit my excitement. The awful Covid-19 news doesn't help.

In other news, The Dusty Mirror is now on pre-sale on Google Play, iTunes and other websites that have this option (probaby Amazon Music too). I can't wait to work on more music. So much to do.