Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Intangible Argus

A night of awful stomach pain, some of the worst I've experienced, so little sleep. Did not eat until 1pm and have still not yet fully recovered.

I listened to an interesting podcast about music and memory. In the day, it was launch day for The Intangible Man, so promoted this in various online places, sent out a Pentangel Books newsletter and updated my websites. In the afternoon I added a feature to Argus to set any parameter to a floating point value plus the value of the current modulator, which is useful to make, for example, notes or multiple objects which start jump around in repeating patterns of any sort. I do this in Prometheus all of the time, it's so useful for complex stereo placement, for example, or of course for any pitch or amplitude changes.

I played guitar to Scott 4. Yesterday I played to the Ziggy Startdust album, and have decide to re-cycle though my CD collection, playing along to each album. I'm now focusing on knowing the notes and trying to jump from one string another. This is my next technical challenge.

I also remade a new 12000kbps edit of the Islands of Memory video because Ultramarine, at a mere 6000kbps, looked so badly compressed on YouTube when I watched it; the trees there seem to blockily grow out of the background rather than fade as they should.

The day seems to have flown by.