Tuesday, September 08, 2020


Awful night last night, no sleep at all, adding to two previous nights of nightmares and bad sleep.

A good day though. I've spent much of today listing 15 years worth of my music back catalogue with the PRS. I've spent 15 years diligently adding and filing records of my music work where I thought I was suppose to but have negelected the PRS because I thought it was only relevant for live performances, which itself is no excuse because I've performed my music live many times too, going back nearly 10 years.

In other news, it seems that my Pi animation will be part of the Lumen Festival here in Crewe, and as such I'll hold off on The Clockwork Harpsichord until December, so that it can be premiered there. I have made a modified version; The Clockwork Harpsichord uses different rings for the different music tracks, but the Lumen version use a different ring for a different digit of pi, when converted to base-4, so it allows one to see pi itself as an animation.

I've also bene thinking more about matrices. It appears that there are indeed a lot of matrices in particle physics, and I'm sure that the right four magical matrices can be arranged in the 24 possible ways to produce all of the data for the quarks and leptons. Other matrices can be used for the carrier particles, with empty cells used like bitmasks to allow reactions with certain particles and not others. If so then this implies that the graviton matrix must cover all used cells as it reacts with everything. I wonder if numbers that are 'unused' sort of 'leak' into what is known as dark matter or energy.

The final question is the dimensions of the matrix. Pauli matrices are 2x2, Dirac matrices are 4x4, Gell-Mann matrices are 3x3. I'd expect something in that area. I think 4x4, as 4 is a nice number, and reminds me of computer graphics. 3 seems to trivial, 5 too complex, and rectangles not pretty enough (I suspect that symmetry is important too).