Monday, June 21, 2021

Covid Jab, School of the Future

Had my second Covid vaccination this morning. An easy day after that. I'd like to paint, but lack the energy at the moment. I traced over a painting called Hand of Destiny as I listened to the album Scott Two. As a child, the single Jackie, which my parents owned, was one of my favourite songs and the album doesn't disappoint. Later, I prepared four frames; basic cutting of mounts, backing boards, etc. These are generic, plain black wood frames for 30x40cm works, which I can use as needed. I also set up a new two-tier synthesizer stand and watched an Eric Clapton concert. I noticed how easy it can be to learn by watching a master player. We can probably learn 50% of any skill by mere watching.

I had an idea for a concept for a school. Like the prison system, and formerly the mental health system, schools seem like an over-institutionalised and over-controlled system from a past age. I wondered, how would humans naturally learn, in a village, or communal setting. The answer is almost never in the class-way that the world seems to teach, although universities come closer to this.

My idea is to emulate this village aspect. A school would run several classes and courses which last a few weeks, on certain skill levels and a wide variety of subjects. Pupils can join any class, and move on to any other at the end, as they want. Better students can move up if they want, or students can learn a wider variety of simpler lessons, if their personality suits this. I think that lots of shorter courses would make teaching easier too, although it would lessen personal teacher-student interaction and knowledge.

I had a high fever after my first jab then felt fine on the following day. I expect, based on reports, than there will be fewer side effect after this second dose. With luck I will paint tomorrow. The glazing layers never seem as satisfying as the underpainting. Making something better isn't as good as creating it. Paintings in progress are: Self Portrait as Tripod (which is now not finished - it needs another layer), the Aspartame one, Gynocratic, Lachesis, Spree Killer, The Safe Box, When This Is All Over. Covidopolis and Cock of the Woke are complete, and the three big ones: Shakespeare, Ethics In A Time Of Revolution, and Hand of Destiny are ready to underpaint (and Mama Mia, but this can wait).

I read that Scott Walker never listened to his old recordings, perhaps due to self-criticism. This is a useful lesson.
