Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Starcrossed, Old and New

A frustrating day, anxious about recent works that I'm not happy with. However I vow to only produce great work from now on, I keep thinking that it won't take much work to brilliantify the recent paintings that I'm unhappy with. Perfectionism is something like an anxiety disorder. Of course, the better we get, the worse out previous work seems.

I primed a 3mm panel and coping-sawed a new round for the Love is Dead reworking. I noted that my Winsor and Newton acrylic gesso is rather stiff, from a thick to very jelly-like. I decided to look at the other tub by Lefranc & Bourgeois, new in 2013 and still not used. I discovered that it's mostly dried and is now a thick, cream-like constituency like spooning cream. It was liquied when I last tried it. This might be useful but it might be spoiled. I've used the Winsor and Newton one for so long now (I boughty two 1l tubs) that I might never get through this thick one. It's amazing that, in 2013, this cost £5. Now one litre of Gesso costs £25... and some brands costs £50 or 60. I can't help but feel that this is a matter a price fixing, surely marble dust and titanium white can't be that much more expensive now?

Either way, I'm now at the stage where I want the best. I spent the morning researching and I like the look of Lascaux. They make three types: Gesso, Primer, and Uni-Primer. Gesso is apparently rougher and more absorbant, perhaps like gesso grosso, Primer, finer, and Uni-Primer for outdoors or solid surfaces like steel. I like the sound of all of these; they are in the £50-ish bracket.

In the afternoon I applied a second layer to the new Starcrossed Escape restoration. It was difficult, I had a headache due to eye strain and didn't feel like painting at all, but, I needed to, and I've never paid attention to feelings about work; work must be done. Nobody remembers Mozart for the days he had off. The results were fine. Here is a before and after:

More layers to are come.

The portrait of Liza Minnelli which I donated to Barnardo's in Macclesfield went on sale today and it sold within the first hour, which is excellent news. Of course, I get none of the money, but any sale is to be celebrated.