Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Frame Complete, TMBWOD 2nd Edition, Music

Have completed the framing of the paitning behind glass, here is a look at the finished back. These spring clips are the correct way to hold a painting when it's flush to the frame:

The only thing left was the final label.

I've spent most of yesterday and today re-reading and editing the new 2nd edition of The Many Beautiful Worlds of Death, I do love the book. Just about every page has had some change to it, though nothing major, mainly improvements to clarity, tidying language, fixing punctuation. The font treats semi-colons and colons oddly, both look odd, so I'm toying with replacing all of them with another font, though, of course, that makes future editing a bit of a pain.

I'll order a printed proof soon. In other news, our Apocalypse of Clowns CDs will be arriving tomorrow. I can't wait to see these. This, plus The Myth of Sisyphus and Nightfood, constitute my best albums so far. Amazing to think that between 2000 and 2010 I sold 50 to 100 CDs, but since around then have barely sold one (except at live events). I read a statistic that one in ten people spend £500 to £1000 on music per year, that is recordings and memorabilia, rather than live event tickets. With a streaming world which charges £10 a month, then this will obviously lead to a massive loss for the music industry, which is apparently happy to see this happen. Someone really needs to design a new physical format that has industry wide agreement and support.