Thursday, June 03, 2021

Lighting Models

A full day of lots of little jobs yesterday, started with the initial setlist for 'Wonderland', our show ofr Knutsford Music Festival.

Then made a foldable table by fixing a camera tripod screw thread to a piece of wood, allowing this to be screwed to the top of a tripod to make a simple platform. I made some lighting models for paintings from Newplast and used this to position them

I made a few models for existing paintings and future ones. I've also fixed these tripod nuts to some battery lights, so can use cheap tripods to mount spotlights at complex angles quickly.

I'm full of ideas, I feel I'm darting between too many projects. I'm still not happy with the earlier ones of the year, but must proceed carefully. There is no time for much except painting at the moment, but I must also work on the Fall in Green music; I may be playing 3 synths and my electric guitar this time, and redrafting The Many Beautiful Worlds of Death. These alternative creative works act like a break.

On we push.