Thursday, May 26, 2022

Art Fair Cheshire, Piano, SFXEngine

An enjoyable and inspiring opening at Art Fair Cheshire last night, featuring thrilling scenes such as this:

...and this...

and this...

Here is my little display:

I spoke to David Bez, met the ever-lovely Peter Robinson and a several other people, all noteworthy. All of the artwork was skilled... the artists had decided on a subject and way of presenting it and had generally mastered that method. In terms of subjects there was barely a narrative on offer at all, lots of landscapes without emotion (escapism), little animals. There were a few abstracts that had an interesting mental narrative. I was disappointed by the Ian Rayer-Smith paintings, some of which I really like online, but the ones on show here were messy abstracts of the worst sort. There was nothing in paint I saw that I could not match should I want to.

I ache to paint more. My work now is, in my mind, on another level to anything I've done before, but I need space here for new and large work, space, and time. I fear to be doomed to small works forever; I must battle this. I feel ready to leap to a new level in subject and ability.

I spent the night practising piano, playing fingers against each other: 4:4, 2:4, 1:4, 4:2, 4:1, 3:3, 2:3, 1:3, 3:1, 3:2, in different fingers. A endlessly difficult and fun game.

I've spent today making a new draft of sound effects and upgrading my software SFXEngine, which hasn't been updated in 2 years and is hideously out of date compared to Prometheus (it has the same interface).