Friday, May 13, 2022

Ragtime Ragdoll Robot

Today I wrote some words for our Market Hall performance. Deb's look is was envisaged as a rag doll, with elements of Aunt Sally from the 1970s/1980s Worzel Gummidge series. Today I noted the interesting link between this and the music, clashes of black and white in more ways than one (except perhaps that, I think, The Entertainer uses only white notes).

I worked on the mask for this today, and transcribed two more Salome piano tunes. I noted with sadness that Burn of God has not yet been reviewed or acknowledged by Alex from Macc Nub News, despite his initial optimism and interest in the music. Will I revisit this epic prog-rock sort of style? Sue came to visit today and she said how good The Spiral Staircase performance was in The Electric Picture house back in 2016. It was indeed.

Ragtime Ragdoll Robot

Ragtime ragdoll robot
Alabaster aunt-sally
Ragtime ragdoll robot
She moves for your amusement

Ragtime ragdoll robot
Cheerful charity china
Ragtime ragdoll robot
She moves for your amusement