Friday, May 06, 2022

Walls, And How To Hit Them

This will be a difficult year. The future is uncertain and at times looks bleak. Will 2022 be like 1672, or the darkness before a new dawn? I'm full of ideas and must work harder than ever. The answer is always art. Art or death are the only options.

Today I tried to create some Reface DX sounds on the MODX7 for live use, but this doesn't seem possible. The Reface sounds far better than the MODX. The Reface's 4 operators are more than enough; the MODX is more complicated and sounds worse. I also wrote a new song in the night and started to sequence this, a process which takes longer and longer these days.

I visited Simon in the afternoon, which was and is always nice. My next jobs are to photograph myself for the new book cover, work on these songs and the Dutch Golden Age songs, and the new Salome music for Fall in Green. I could do with painting something too.

I have an idea for two new philosophy books; one on finding peace and happiness in times of difficulty, and one on the anti-Platonic nature of the universe, where life must heal the damaged universe. Oh for more time, more money, more peace, some stability, some help. I could produce a lifetime of wonders if I only had some resources and some peace.

Here are the words to today's song:

Walls, And How To Hit Them

When I was young
the universe was scary
spent my time
putting up defences
wasted time
trying to protect myself
from the crushing social forces

I only wanted happiness!

starting to become an expert in
walls, and how to hit them
walls, and how to hit them
walls, and how to hit them

walls, and how to hit them
walls, and how to hit them
walls, and how to hit them

And now I'm old
and everything is holding
on to hope
and money really matters
trying to cope
scraping for stability
in the cruel confusing world

I never wanted money!

all my life I've been an expert in
walls, and how to hit them
walls, and how to hit them
walls, and how to hit them

walls, and how to hit them
walls, and how to hit them
walls, and how to hit them