Friday, May 20, 2022

Market Hall Show

A fantastic show yesterday in the Market Hall. Lucy was the Lyceum saved the show with transport, and everything went as well as could be expected. Deb 'stole the show' with her movements in the Ragtime Ragdoll Robot.

The booming sound quality was a constant problem, but it would have sounded better to the audience than us. The hall was packed, but almost everyone in the hall was behind us, eating or socialising, not watching the show. The stage faced in two directions at once, a Janus stage, so what we could hear was mixed with the sound of that audience; our speakers were beside or in front of us. The volumes and balancing sounded good in testing during the set-up, but sounded too quiet in the full hall... but were we quiet? We need third person to monitor the volume levels, take photos, a road manager or general manager of sorts...

The actual playing was fine, better than in rehearsal as is usual, although there was a technical hiccup with the Allreli player which, for a reason I still can't explain, decided to play one track and then immediately the next. I tried to reproduce this afterwards to attempt to understand why, trying every option, but I couldn't make it happen again. I could add long blank spaces between tracks to stop this problem altogether.

I've been exhausted today. I gave a first piano lesson to Peter, a new student and hopefully collaborator in some way who we met last night. He was and is already brilliant. I wish I had more time and energy today for him but it was a very busy and ache-laden morning. I've now unpacked and repacked artwork from Galleria Balmain, and prepared an entry for this year's Bickerton exhibition. I missed their entry email due to a change of email address, so contacted them with urgency last night. They have managed to find me some space and I'll be showing two paintings there.

I expected a day of recovery and filing today. The hours have flown. Deb's car is in for an expensive but essential repair, so we should be able to make the opening of the Macc Art Fair on Thursday evening. I will aim to work on the book again tomorrow. I already have a wish-list of leads and other audio equipment to make things a little better.