Sunday, June 12, 2022

You Know How It Is When You Remember A Friend

A full painting day, underpainting 'You Know How It Is When You Remember A Friend'. The colours match the study, greys, greens, pinks, related to 'Half A Broken Heart' in this way. I wanted a mood of longing,

The light red and mars black colours are always colours to wrestle with, they are borderine transparent, so tricky to apply evenly. My usual medium of sallfower oil and solvent, which I hardly ever use, just a tiny tiny wetness sometimes, for any sticky colours, was too thinning, so I've made up a bottle of pure safflower. I noted that I bought that oil in 2011! I should probably buy more. I've kept it stored in small, air tight, 30ml amber glass bottles, and even filled the top air-gap with carbon dioxide using a bicycle tyre inflator capsule, so after 11 years the oil seems to be just as fresh.