Sunday, February 11, 2024

Futures Complete, Tigers, Bronowski, Morecambe

A second, long but efficient day of Future Pool and Future Snooker updates. The process is a bit like plumbing; removing a section, then adding the new one in, and checking it all works.

The day started by adding the new Gunstorm-style font. I think this is the one used in Taskforce too. It makes for a consistent look. I'd probably shake things up and do it differently now, but it's too late for major changes as this will involve new videos, new marketing material. Even these changes meant a pile of new screenshots.

I also changed the way the camera zoom works. I've created a class called 'dolly' which has two camera placement and a tween value, so that movements can be automated. Until now, one placement was isometric view, one overhead and the system simply switched between the two. This has limitations though, as only two positions can be used. Today I changed it so that it's always in the destination position, and when moving sets the current to source, then the new target to the destination. This allows any future camera placement to be added, with a nice smooth motion between the current and target position. This allowed me to add a control to centre the camera on the player.

The changes and basic tests were complete by 3pm, then the many jobs shifted to a different sort: Compiling the full build, then the Steam exe and preparing that for upload. Compiling the final game folder for users, and using a script to upload it all to Steam. Then creating a secret branch for a test build, and setting up the Steam Cloud settings which is a new feature for this version. Then testing the build in Steam. It seemed to work.

Next steps, taking 10 to 15 screenshots for each game. The look had changed, so this needed doing, and updating the manual too, as some controls had changed and the manual needed to remain correct. After that, exporting the manual as a pdf, and adding it, with the screenshots to the Steam Store; but not making this live yet.

I tested it again and found one anomaly, the music wasn't playing. For some reason I had the Future Snooker music in the Future Pool folder, so I fixed this and re-uploaded it all. Another test.

Then typing up the many documents about the release. The games, like all of my games, have a Readme.txt file which needs updating with the changes. I also typed up a small note about the changes for existing users, and the Steam client, then prepared a larger post for the Cornutopia Software page on Steam, and two more: a more extensive note for the each game's forum, and an email for those on my e-mailing list. Then smaller announcements for Twitter and Facebook.

Then, backing up the main program for filing. Creating images for my website and the Cornutopia Software website, and updating the game version and date there, and updating the version and date in my main software catalogue.

Admin, yes, much of my life is admin! It's hard to automate much of this because it's so varied across systems and disciplines.

Now, gaming aside I have other news. A CD, Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) by Brian Eno arrived. Not remotely new, but I haven't heard it before, and I've resisted doing so online - I want a first listen to be on CD through headphones, which is my method for premiering all new music.

Second, a copy of The Face of Violence by Jacob Bronowski has arrived and even a quick read is already as brilliant, as I once knew. I know of it, bizarrely, because I recently found an email from years ago that I wrote which quoted it. So, I'm inspiring myself by way of some sort of 'time loop'. Ouroboros.

Third, Deb, and delightfully including myself, have been gifted tickets for Morecambe Poetry Festival this September. This is a 3-day affair, so we have booked a place to stay. If the gods smile, we may perform there.

Fourth, our new book, Lou Salomé: Empathy With Daisies, is now live. It's the first book of my sheet music, and our first joint Fall in Green book. I must promote this some time, somehow.

It's 8pm and the day is just ending, yet with still more admin to do. Perhaps I can wrest a few minutes of peace this evening, this weekend. I'm physically tired, stressed, a sort of anxious edge that only computer programming can cause.

I will now pause. I may listen to Eno, hoping that he's still rocky and not too ambient. I may read Bronowski. I will, however, stride onwards though time.