Friday, February 09, 2024

Twitches, Photo Filing, Cycles & Shadows

A horrendous night of constant bowel and stomach twitches. When I did sleep I tended to wake a short time later with sweats and shivers. All a regular part of my Beethovian condition, but this is the worst it's been in some time.

I woke late, at 10am, as a result, awoken by the ring of the postman who delivered our 2023 event photos. I was barely awake at the time, and have spent the day in a semi-conscious stupor of weakness, coldness, shakiness with electrical energy. Perhaps these are what Dali used to call his 'anginas'.

Almost all of the day was spent filing these photos, our annual 'memories' of key events of the past year. This is part of my philosophy of accurately storing and recording, and each photo is carefully labelled and dated. Few people even bother to print photographs now, even though this act is cheaper than ever. For me, the physicality of these is an important part of countering the ephemeral nature of digital media. Few people record details of each photo; who is in the image, what the event was, or the place, or day, or time. Deb and I have photograph albums each dating back to 2016, when we met, and this annual job, hard work though it is, is an important one.

The filing process meant a lot of checking of past dates and events (proof itself of the importance of this, an unrecorded event is the same an event not occurring). Even though I file and record everything, it's amazing how much can still be missing).

By 4pm this was finished and I released Cycles & Shadows on Bandcamp. I then opened all of the existing CD copies I have, 35-or-so, and destroyed those 2017-edition CDs. I'll reuse the packaging for these 35 as I sell them. The first few will be hand-burned on plan white CDs, making them even more exclusive. I'm wondering how I can print on them, make some sort of on-disc artwork that I can relatively easily use. Even the 'commercially' burned CDs I order are only so-so in print quality (the new discs, like We Robot, are notably better than these 2017 ones, I think I used a different company in 2017).

My next job is game engine updates, though tomorrow is only a two-thirds day of work use to a Chinese New Year celebration with Deb. For album music notation, I'm thinking that it would be a good idea to notate Secret Electric Sorcery next, then I can perform some of these songs live. I could, of course, perform without the music notation, but this does help, especially with songs with complex chords like Out of Date. These open mic events are a great incentive for me to notate these albums.