Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ink on Paper

Working on the illustrations for The Burning Circus today. About 20-30 drawn on card. My normal trusty nib was proving frustrating, the ink would just refuse to flow to the tip. I reasoned that the finish on the, very matt looking, nib had dulled somehow so I tried a new, clean replacement nib of identical type, and this worked just wonderfully. I wonder if I can refurbish or polish or clean the old nib, or whether I need to buy new nibs every so often? These are only a few pence, but I need to send away for them so this isn't as efficient as cleaning them. As they appear to be stainless steel there should be no need to replace them.

The Modern Game is done and set for digital launch. It already feels old fashioned and I have many new ideas to work on; three new great concept dramatic albums or symphonies, but just ideas, barely a narrative never mind a structure and no music. One album which I (unbelievably to me) last visited in February, currently called Burn of God, is a mix of musical and poetic ideas that barely fit together. It is good to look at this again afresh. The music is in the style of the Shadows music, long, largely improvised and unstructured musical pieces with great feeling, but I feel that more structure is needed. The narrative itself is strange and has evolved separately and after the music too. Everything needs work. I might have to develop a main musical theme to develop the drama. If I'm working musically, rather than dramatically, then the climax is a great tune. If drama, then the climax is great contrast, which can be a great tune too.