Friday, September 13, 2019

Marius Proof

The Marius book is now complete, my plan is that it will cost £8 without the CD, £8 for a plain CD (the same price as a download), and £20 for the book and CD combined when ordered from me.

The final job is to finalise the music and I've re-recorded the Life Beyond Mars vocals today, these are much better than before. There are many pitch inaccuracies and cringe-worthy parts in the vocals, but monitoring this can be seen as a sign of progress. It is the emotional expression that matters. I've recorded a few takes of the vocals for Two Kinds of Animals but the first take with its gentle, story-telling tone still sounds best of all. I must avoid Sibeliusness and move on rather than waste so much time on trifles.

I feel ill with my usual stomach pain and the stress of endless jobs, the joyous desire to do so much yet not having enough time or space. Now I must try to master the music and order the discs. If this format works artistically I will probably make more albums like it. I already have two ideas in mind and already in progress.

The next job of the month must be to start on my clown/circus poetry book.

London tomorrow to collect work from the Mall Galleries. I will put on a suit and visit to the Science Museum afterwards to wow visitors with my art.