Sunday, September 08, 2019

More Book Work

A good day in London delivering work to the Discerning Eye on Friday. Spent yesterday working on the Marius Fate book, developing lots of new graphics for it. Most of the tracks have an image, so I've needed to make up lots of new images. Here is the image for 'Beginnings'.

Have also recorded more vocals for 'Looking For A Lover', which I'm happier with. The key element is to tell a story. Here, the voice is like a shady character in an alley or something, at first, then explodes into something more impassioned.

Have spent most of today filming a video for 'Corridors of Nothing Menopause' from Cycles & Shadows. I had the idea of a simple black and white video in a smoky room, with me playing piano. It didn't quite work out that way as the piano is very complex and unpredictable on that track. It's also very difficult to get the lighting right without a camera person.

The other main job today was preparing ArtSwarm. Filming for that will take place tomorrow. Seven videos are in this Children's Games episode. I'm pleased with my contributions here and will aim to make my best work for the remaining three episodes.