Saturday, September 21, 2019

Chester and the Final Modern Game Draft

A sleepless night and trip to Chester today to collect art from the Grosvenor Museum. I've also finally mastered The Modern Game music, with a few tiny changes.

It's amazing how many new things you can hear when listening for a new 'first time', which is vital. The vocals and such things are secondary now to the overall structure and I needed to tweak a few blends and volume levels. One thing that struck me is how close this is to my very first album, Synaesthesia. It has elements of space and Earth colliding, a groovy track, a piano piece; Notes From Space could almost be the modern update of Waltz Of The Ghosts. There are crashes in Beginnings and the track segue as though telling a story.

I feel the themes will age quickly; such is the problem with music that makes some comment on the times. I must move on quickly to new pastures.

My main job yesterday was to work on the cover to The Burning Circus. Many options quickly emerged. Here are two early drafts. Next job; preparing The Modern Game audio release, filing that, the inner artwork for The Burning Circus, plans for Cirque du ArtSwarm: Fishing, and a piece for ArtSwarm the video show. I want all of this done in a few days. Then, artistically, two new albums, two books and as many computer games updated as I can manage, which is probably too few, as these take a lot of work.