Monday, September 23, 2019


Illustrations are largely complete for The Burning Circus. A good proportion of the work is filing and recording these; I haven't yet started to include them in the book. Each on needs scanning, recording with a code and the size, then cropped and converted into 300dpi good quality images for storage, plus 300dpi, and higher resolution clean images with white backgrounds to include in the book. These have taken up my codes 1136 to 1164; so that's 1164 artworks I've made since 2002 or so. Of course, sometimes one code is a painting or work that takes months, sometimes a sketch that takes a few minutes. Many works are not coded and almost always destroyed.

Here's one; a tiny sketch for the introduction for the book.

The second proof of the Marius Fate book has arrived and is fine, so all is set there. Once this book is complete I can move on to new art, a fantastic time. It's so rare to have clean space...

...but of course, this has a big illusory element. There are always jobs to do. Perhaps I should promote this existing work for a few months first. I find it amazing that artists can do that rather than get excited about the next, future, better work, but then; perhaps we do, which is why the best art is often obscure, unless an external agent is involved. A balance must be struck. The door of opportunity must remain open, but not at the expense of vital and incredible masterpieces that could help, could benefit, could transform the world!