Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Poetry and Trips

Very busy couple of days, trips to Shrewsbury and to the Williamson Art Gallery to collect art.

Used the travel time to work out the structure to my circus poetry book. The framing of the book is so important, I want more than a mere pile of poems. The structure itself much be attractive. I first thought about making something about a fractured psyche, which leads into the circus characters. I have a few poems that are circus related but aren't about circus characters, which will be the mainstay of the book, and it felt wrong to mix these in with the character poems. I also had a sort of relationship poem that caused the fracture, but this felt a bit stark and unforgiving for an opening poem, and this seemed odd to precurse a second poem, which is more of a stream-of-consciousness prose poem, that welcomes the circus.

My current idea is to use single poems like overtures, as section headings, which allows things to be spread around a little. There are a few good-enough poems that I've had to exclude to fit this structure, but overall, it works. I prefer perfectly structured work of the right size rather than having too much (or too little).

So; main tasks. To finish the Marius album (the proofs of the book will come soon), order the Marius CDs, set up sales on the website so that people are at least able to order the album from me, complete the poetry selection, work on the poetry illustrations, and the cover and rear artwork. I also have a (short and unpaid) Fall in Green performance tomorrow evening, which needs a bit if rehearsal, plus organising the ArtSwarm live event for the 28th, and making a video for the next ArtSwarm show. There are many other jobs too, such as making more music videos, but those can wait until these other priorities are out of the way I think.