Monday, September 16, 2019

Digital Art and Album Covers

I've had a hectic couple of days, first collecting work from the Discerning Eye in London on Saturday; it appears that many good artist friends have failed to get in this year.

Yesterday I noticed that my album covers and digital art on my website no longer links to print sales on Society6, where I theoretically had prints on sale. I've never sold a thing on there and their website was always a nightmare to navigate and use. Even the basics of uploading an image often failed, trapped forever in an endless wait. So, I decided to delete everything there and list my work on RedBubble instead, where I've had a small number of sales of my strange tee-shirt designs, under the name Oomazing. The most popular design is a simple, single yellow star on a blue background in the European Union colours. I feel more European than English, so the design and the feeling appealed to me.

Anyway, I have 34 or so album covers to date, and all recent ones are in 600dpi, so over 2500 pixels square, which is a good size for a print. I also have over 30 digital art images from around 2002, many of which I've printed at poster size in the past and these look really impressive, so I've spent two frenetic days uploading, naming and tagging all of these. Linking to them from my website was the final task. For this I created a spreadsheet with my artwork codes in one column, and the RedBubble codes in another, then used the CONCATENATE function to create an SQL stream, so I can instantly update my database with the correct links.

The range of products is good and some of these look amazing.

Not all images are available in all products. Some of the 300dpi album covers, like most of the older ones, are available only as stickers or greetings cards. For the rest I've picked a mix of what looks best.

There have been a few tweaks to The Modern Game music, again, too, but I'm near the end here. Time to move to the Circus poetry collection. I wrote two poems for it last night, very simple framing devices for the collection. I want to get this completed before the end of the month. My current preferred title is The Burning Circus.