Friday, August 28, 2020

The Dusty Mirror Launch Day

Launch day of The Dusty Mirror today. I reminded myself that this is my 5th music release of the year. Animalia had some slight balancing changes and new artwork, and Synaesthesia was a new recording of most of the tracks. War is Over and Burn of God were both new releases. I have five tentative works in progress but which will see the light of day, if any, will remain to be seen because I like the idea of unity and a central idea, so I'm splitting various fragments and tracks to fit these specific themes. I'm seeing albums like grand cinema, as I like to see all artworks.

On the cards for certain is the second Fall in Green album which contains our Apocalypse of Clowns work. I have 9 or 10 tracks complete, but the total length is only about 25 minutes, so I need more. I think any next release will be a few months away, so these five will spread over 2021.

I painted one small underpainting this year, my lowest painting output since I started painting and my tentative life as an artist in 2004. I still love oil painting, but the current situation prevents exhibitions or competitions or sales, and online is a terrible and poor place to show paintings - I dislike the very thought of it. Moreover I've started to embrace music and video to a much greater degree and feel more confident of my performance skills with each passing song, and I can see the clear progress I am making. I'm sure I will paint again, and images are the very root of my music, but I can't imagine when.

I've posted some online messages about The Dusty Mirror today, and sent out an email newsletter. I've also registered the music with Musicbrainz and other places, this is the bare essentials of what is necessary for a release. Ideally I'd have more videos for the songs, but even Burn of God only has the one recent video. I'm more excited with creation of new work than promoting these existing works. I create to push myself and to learn, and when I feel I'm doing this the urge to exercise is too powerful to avoid.

Yesterday I finished one of the Fall in Green tracks; Beetle Circus, and sketched out a second for the Dark Hyperborea project.

Today I've worked on the production of Burnout, a very electronic and very flat and crude digital dance tune, one of my tunes from the 90s. There are lots from that era that I've not produced to a good standard or released, and this one, different that it is from my other music, will suit the electronica album. The hard part here is adding some sort of emotion despite the instruments sounding very fake and the tempo necessarily very regular. Perhaps I merely need to listen to other 90s trance music and content myself that fake-ness is part of the genre itself. The Burnout theme is a nice enough tune, as good as anything that one of those 90s bands like Sash or Robert Miles created.

I need clones so that some of me can work on videos or other things. Onward!