Saturday, August 15, 2020


A workless day. I awoke at 10:30 after a sleepless night and some night-time piano practice, I enjoyed listening to the lovely finale to Beethoven's Tempest sonata; I know I could compose as well if only I could play as well.

I dreamt of meeting God (a middle aged woman) and the devil (a suave business man, who looked like John Shea, the actor who played Lex Luthor in the Lois & Clark series). Both tempted Deb and I and we resisted, the devil giving us farewell presents of toilteries and fancy clothes. My aftershave was brown and staining, like crude oil. Much of the imagery was related to Twin Peaks (the oil, even the look of the characters). I've just finished watching the series now, which I thought was so-so, on par with the poorer Lynch films; Lost Highway and Wild at Heart. The story was pointless or even boring, but the characters and imagery redeemed the series. The episodes Lynch directed stood out as substantially better than the others.

I've been invited to take part in an 'art trail' in Crewe, but rather than submitting paintings or artwokr, they requested digital files that they could print - which I don't really like the idea of, my prints are high quality limited editions. However, I thought that, as some sort of showcase of local art, a poster or two might be a nice idea. I asked about sizes and how many images they want and they said two images, to be printed on A4 paper! This is so ridiculous. Two A4 photocopies hardly constitutes anything like an art showcase. The idea amuses me so much, it's a perfect example of how Crewe treats and values art.

Have done too little in the day. A workman had removed the fires. I saw Deb in the park, and now it is now. Frustratingly workless. One job I need to do is scan and file the illustrations for Deb's new book.