Saturday, February 20, 2021

Wasp Song Reface, Stan & Ollie

A full day of working on the Dream of Wasps song yesterday. I spent a long time working on the drums (of all sequenced instruments, the drums are the most difficult and most key part for setting mood) and first part, shortened the middle solo part and shortened the transition to the bigger solo.

I then needed more for the end, so I plugged in my Reface DX and improvised a little, it sounded very good, distorted and very electronic full of wild bleeps and swirling sounds that reminded be of the EMS VCS 3. These really have to be played live because there are so few patches and places to store sounds that its more efficient to quickly modify an existing tone (which with the DX can quickly create wild variations) and just use them there and then. So I played along to a few sections and this was the bulk of the song. I played two guitar solos but, good though they both were, in the end it was overkill to have more than one sound at once. This is one disadvantage to solo playing. With a band or other players one may bow to another to allow soloing in turns based on the feeling.

More to do on it, yet for these final stages it's best to have other things to work on at the same time. I've also noticed that my eyes have constant blind spots. I can only hope that my new glasses help with this.

Another thing I did yesterday was sign the Chinese translation rights for The Intangible Man & Other Stories, and I watched the film Stan & Ollie at night, I love Laurel & Hardy. The film was touching and with excellent performances but spoiled by a lack of historical accuracy. I slept badly and woke late. The days feel like slow trudges, but move on we must, lots to do.