Monday, February 22, 2021

We Shall See, Take This Rose Balancing

We Shall See is the last song to record. A good hour of singing training in the morning, generally wroking on the clarity and style of high notes.

Then remixed Take This Rose as the original balancing was too bass-heavy. I've improved a lot in my mixing skills in the last year, both tools and skills. Here there is a winding snake of a lead, a filtered saw wave. Sounds like this can cause problems because they can dart all over the spectrum, one simple tip is simple to cut the bass as it's bass sounds which muddy up mixes. I try to limit this area just to the bass and bass drum now, rarely anything more. Most other instruments rarely go there, but vocals always need the bass removing or the results are boomy. Another trick with sweeping (or broad sounds like string chords or 'pad' sounds) is to band them, and this often sounds better, clearer while being quieter. Here I've narrowed the winding lead and it sounds clearer already. Generally I listen and 'feel' the whole song, and I find I can generally feel which sounds are too loud to too quiet.

I went for a park walk for a few hours in the afternoon which took up most of the rest of the day, then this evening sang We Shall See several times. Each time was better, growing, and different. The joy of singing is the sheer arrangement of possibilities. Here the better results were the more gentle and I tried to repeatedly sing the same song many times, each more gentle than before. This might be a good training song. The words and tone of the song is like a gentle fireside story, spoken by a wise old spirit or something like that, it's this essence that is key. I've recorded lots of takes, any one of which might be good enough, but I might keep singing this as a drill, or several times a day for a few days. I have this luxiry and it seems to bloom more with each singing of it.

I wasted at least two hours today browsing Wikipedia about The Bangles, Rickenbacker guitars, NASA Mars missions, watching the news about new Covid-19 developments. It seems that all adults will recieve a first dose of vaccine by the end of July, so perhaps a second dose by October, a timeline I expected; I can't wait, and will certainly not partake in any live event or function until then.

I hope to have We Shall See, and the album, finished by the end of this week.