Thursday, May 27, 2021

Harry Dean Stanton, Glazing, Framing

I dreamt that Harry Dean Stanton was sentenced to death, and on his night in jail he wrote his life story, and the jailer and everyone was sad. This led to a good day of energy. I started by completing Covidopolis, a painting I'm now satisfied with. The biggest problem is the surface, these Jacksons canvas boards make everything ugly. I have one unused one left but I will probably throw it away.

I then glazed the background to Cock of the Woke. it was pink, I glazed in in grey, an unusual switch, but it worked and the painting looks much better now, a little bit like the Phoenix Embryo painting. This took me up to 15:00. I didn't glaze the main figure as this would take most of a day, I may do this tomorrow.

Then, framing. I framed Land of Beauty and Sorrow in a gold frame. This looks great, actually I love this; it continues the 'bioforms' that includes the Phoenix Embryo, the Swift series etc. I like these more.

I'm artistically inspiured and want to pain more on determinism, and perhaps another King Charles portrait... everything is bioforms... The Harry Dean Stanton dream, I've just realised, relates to a bioformic portrait of him I had planned - and his stardom in Escape From New York.

My last job was framing the new Cromwell portrait. It remains arresting. I will keep this under wraps for a grand unveiling at Nantwich Museum this winter; perhaps I can paint the King Charles painting to partner it.