Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Spree Killer Tracing

Traced over the underdrawing for a painting called Spree Killer. How often it is that I think an idea is worthy only of a small panel then discover that it would have been better bigger. Oh for a bigger studio and more storage space and more placed to exhibit! I toyed with the idea of staging regular monthly exhibitions. Attractive as the idea sounds, and I'm certain profitable, the logistics alone of this would take me a month each time to organise.

I also thought today about the Ruth Borchard Self Portrait prize, one I like to enter or paint for. It's expensive and awkward to enter for me because, like almost all art competitions, the delivery is in London, 200 miles (and £100 in train tickets) away. I toyed with the idea of a Northern Self Portrait Prize, sponsored by and held at the Crewe Arms Hotel, or Crewe Hall, which is also a hotel, and a place I have exhibited at a few times.

Several hours of the day, though, were spent fitting a stair carpet, and trying to level a squeaky and bent floor using a dry flat-iron.