Monday, May 03, 2021

Painting Plans

A dark wet day. I looked up some abandoned paintings; I rarely stop and never have half finished work lying around, but not every project or painting is desinted to be completed. After a certian time I might just abandon it and move on and to date I have 80 to 90 works in the abandoned projects folder, in varuious stages from merely an idea to paintings which were planned to a great degree and even painted several times before being filed.

Browsing through these wasted so much time as I dreamed of completing some and reviving some! In the end I drew out some works; new papers for Moon Over Shakespeare (which is now bigger than planned). Finishing the drawing for Spree Killer, and starting the drawing for When This Is All Over, and marking a panel for the same. Also transferring the drawing for Mama Mia Here I Go Again, which is a sequel of sorts to Half A-Broken Heart from years ago.

Today I have a few finished paintings from 2021: A Light Can Shine Only in Darkness, The Ever-Loving Heart of the Snowman, The Return of Oliver Cromwell, Self Portrait As Tripod, Land of Beauty and Sorrow. Four underpainted awaiting a glaze layer Covidopolis, The Fictitious Secret History of Aspartame, Cock of the Woke, The Safe Box. And a few drawn out and planned awaiting a first layer: Volcanism and Social Media, Tears of Lachesis, Gynocratic Paedoparanoia, Mama Mia Here I Go Again; so a mere 12 paintings for 2021 so far, but many great ideas and about another 8 in the drawing stage already.