Monday, September 25, 2023

Cycles 2023

Day 1 of remastering my album Cycles & Shadows. My technology and skills have changed hugely since 2017, and the original album now sounds particularly boomy and smudgy. I can also record the piano in far better quality now, and boost the volume to a better and more even value.

Musically, there won't be any radical changes. I toyed with changing the synth instruments to sampled strings etc. but this album was unique is being a 'piano concerto for synth instruments'; and I'm replacing the album, this isn't something extra, so I must be careful not to destroy the special qualities present in the first version. The only track I'd like to change is Cycles III, which I've played live many times. It sounds much faster and has better flow live than on this album. Many of the Cycles tracks are (or were) better live, but I'll leave those be.

Today I've re-recorded the piano parts for Cycles 1,2,4,5,6, and remixed the core of those tracks. The results don't sound very different but certainly cleaner and more 'sparkly'.

The Shadows half will benefit most.