Friday, September 08, 2023

Hydroxycholoquinine Video

Work today on the Hydroxycholoquinine video; all of these are simple 'cycle' videos; essentially something like the Spotify Canvases for YouTube, but full length, so they can have a narrative. I put less work in than a 'full' music video, but they still take a remarkably long time.

Most will be based on the Spotify Canvases. This one was just a blue background with a spinning cube. I've done the same here, but it darts a little between the different song sections. I've spent about 90 mins programming; adding the ability to import song sections from Prometheus so that I can quickly get a layout of the song structure. I'm not massively pleased with this video, but it will suffice and has a certain 90s Amiga-Megademo look. I'm reminded a bit of that Betty Boo video.

Generally, it's too hot to work; 26 degrees in here in this unusual heatwave. The heat is making me feel ill, dizzy and anxious. I can't work efficiently until things cool down, which won't happen until Monday or Tuesday (if the weather forecast is accurate).