Saturday, November 25, 2023


Unfortunately, being in the famously cold Macc Art Lounge all day yesterday has given me a cold-like virus and I'm now aching and running a high temperature. This is a disaster for me, I was due to give my first album performance in years on Wednesday for Artistic Echoes in Maccclesfield. I may recover quickly, I may not. I may be Covid or a cold-like virus. At the moment, it feels more like Covid, with a high temperature and headache but no sniffles or coughs. We shall see (though I have no test kits).

I have contacted Artistic Echoes to keep them informed. A future date may be required. Today I am too weak to work, but have made some changes to the We Robot album artwork in preparation for a CD release. Here is a photo of me in the Lounge from yesterday.