Thursday, September 12, 2024

Bird Cage In Terra Cotta, and More

A steady day of paitning, first completing the glazing to 'Bird Cage In Terra Cotta':

The Parrot-Man is highly detailed:

Sigh! As is all of my work! Yet we live in abominable times of digital images, and judgement from afar. I say again, these paintings look much better in real life. How I wish i could exhibit them. Of course, I could organise some sort of exhibition, as I've done countless times, but I really need a proverbial break; a regular place to show and sell my certainly brilliant paintings, whch are now better than ever before. I will keep battling, of course.

After him, I glazed two more paintings; the smooth panel of Kratos. I glazed only the sky. I could do a better job on the monolith, but lack the time or incentive, and here the figure looks rather expressive in his roughness. I then glazed 'A Brief History Of Transubstantiation', again not fully, the 'flat' grey wasn't glazed, though it would be smoother had I done so. This lack of smooth perfection bothers me, but I remind myself that time saved here can be used to create other paintings. I could even glaze it tomorrow or another day.

Then, the release of SFXEngine v1.34.

Onwards we charge. My book 21st Century Surrealism has now sold 348 copies and I must make another book on art to update my ideas and theories on contemporary art in particular. I think we are at the dawn of a golden age, a dawn, many centuries from a dusk, and I must strive to pioneer this new day.