Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Hudson Glazing Day 3

Final day of glazing on 'The Angels Musing Over All That Is Left Of Rachel Hudson'. I added a new new elements, and these took time and consideration. The right needed something, words, as in 'I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings'. The rhyme about blackbirds baked in a pie kept coming into my head, so I added the start of 'Sing a Song of Sixpence' there, but stopped midway.

I also added some figures in the grass, a man pulling a woman up the path.

It's a complex painting. I'll need to consider framing options carefully. At first, I thought a girly and garish pink frame may work, but then a frame covered with a cloth of clouds, nailed to it to be pulled back like a curtain. I've made one curtain painting before but there were a few problems with it. When pulled back, the curtains often hung into the painting; it's hard to pull them away completely, the curtain becomes too dominant, though it worked well torn in 'Except For The Hatred'. A deep gold frame may work.