Friday, September 13, 2024

Cromwell Frame and Guide, Lavender Cologne

A day of innovations! I started by preparing entries for the Castle Park Open, then work on making the frame for the Oliver Cromwell Vegetable painting.

I had the idea for a new tool. When hand-cutting a frame which isn't square, but slopes down to the inside, it can be hard to mark the measurement on the inner edge and line that mark up for cutting; so I needed a tool that would line up the marks and to allow a full diagonal drawing on the wood or moulding for accurate, consistent cutting. So here it is in aluminium:

The tips of the flat part needed to exactly touch the edge of the triangle, and it needed to be as parallel to the base as possible to make the angle correct. It worked well for the Cromwell frame, which has a second innovation in it. After staining, I planed the inner edge and stained that a different colour from the outside. The result is a bright green frame with a yellow-orange inner bevel, just as I'd hoped for this painting.

Then the frame was cut and glued.

This afternoon, work on some little work in mastering John Lindley's new album, mostly a job of relative volume balancing, as nothing else is within either my control or desire for this.

Then, a new lavender cologne. I used to use Boots Lavender Water as a cleaner and general solvent, and occasional sleep aid, but they've stopped making it, so I'm making my own and experimenting with formulae. The simplest option is half water, half 40% pear brandy (which tastes of perfume, completely unsuitable for drinking!) with 1.25ml of lavender oil. It doesn't mix perfectly, I could do with adding some dipropylene glycol to help the mix, but that's an extra expense.

I'll see how it evolves.