Sunday, October 20, 2019

Caligari and Unpredictability

A sleepless night, made lots of notes about predictability and science, how what must be unpredictable, such as some elements of quantum mechanics, would obviously drive scientists mad; scientists who are scientists exactly because they demand answers and reasons, even when some mathematical equations can be proven to be unprovable. A scientists could perhaps never accept that there is no answer, even if that is true, and many crazy theories, such as infinite parallel universes, stem from this grasp for an explanation to what might be, I think, necessarily unexplainable. I must type this up.

In art we've rehearsed of Fall in Green performance today, and I've made a short video for my Frankenstein piece.

Now I'm thinking about structure and melody, feeling, meaning, abstraction, for the 'god' album. For me, music can can have a clear meaning because emotions convey their unique information; art is about authoring using this information. My 'god' music is rather unstructured and unmelodic because of the way it was written, as a series of improvised vignettes that aimed to capture the exact feeling when playing. This is a new concept that I wanted to work on, but it's difficult to do that on a grand, symphonic, or album-level scale because these improvisations lack structure, and often lack melody too.

I'm inspired by The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, a film which is tied to tomorrow's performance in Congleton, and to my Frankenstein video. This key work of Expressionist Cinema reminded me that sometimes an archetype is necessarily different and can even stand alone in a genre.