Tuesday, October 27, 2020

1930s Dance Music

A day or errands, some shopping and business duties today, including odering some prints and a frame.

In creative work I've worked on Light Blue Evening. The song was inspured by 1930s dance hall songs so I listened to a few and added some more instrumentation. Generally, the production was sparse before, centred on the bass and drums with only a stabbing honky-tonk style piano. I've added a lot more; two layers of strings, a clarinet and some brass highlights. It sounds richer and better.

Those dance tunes had a lot of richness in them, it's worth remembering that they were played by orchestras with many different voices. The song's melody is almost always introduced for a minute or more, often a verse and a chorus, before the vocals come in. As with modern dance music it's best to have a good tune and rhythm; the words are not important.