Friday, October 02, 2020

Fireplaces, National Poetry Day

I woke at 6am yesterday and performed my quarterly computer backups, which often take half of the day but were complete by 11am. Not much else was done, although I experimented a little with music. I also watched a few videos of poetry readings, and promoted mine on what was National Poetry Day, and in the evening wrote a melody in 7/8 time which had a relaxing feeling, something like an Einaudi, which itself is strange for a 7/8 tune.

It was a frustrating day due to a general lack of direction, but that was perhaps because I finished my planned tasks so early. Yesterday and today were also disrupted by building work.

There seems to be an element of Godotness creeping in, planning or waiting for a clean start to begin, rather than accepting the greater power of slow accretion. A bucket fills drip by drip, this should be my mantra. We don't need to do a lot each day, just one tiny, tiny step in the right direction. That is enough.

Today, some more audio experiments for the Siamese Twin poem for the Fall in Green album, but not much was done. I'm not used to music taking so many days, but that is how long it seems to take now. I wasted time watching YouTube videos, but some were intellectually interesting and perhaps useful in future. Deb and I went to see a friend on her birthday, and to deliver our books to Crewe and Nantwich libraries for them to lend out. I also updated all of my music videos, checking and unifying the links there. It's been a more relaxing day, with some of those tiny steps, but my annoying tickly cough remains.

A lot of the weekend will be taken with building work as I have to shore up a hole in my wall, the former fireplace. I've been lax in guitar practice. I must play tonight. It's been a good year, but I must keep aiming higher, and working towards a greater goal steadily. I'm as sure as ever that I'm producing my best work, and that better things are to come.