Monday, October 19, 2020

New Album Covers

A good day today. Have tidied up the plaster wall which is all ready now for wallpapering, the glorious final step.

I've also started work on new album covers, mostly for the older electronic works that had very abstract or digital looking desgins that lacked an identity.

Here is the current cover for The Arcangel Soundtrack:

And here is my new design, so far:

The difference is huge. The first could be anything, a game, any old product; the second looks like an album cover. I tihnk it's important that my image appears on the cover. It will mean, of course, that it will be a contemporary me rather than a contemporaneous me, but that will also serve to unify a current image, so it has an upside too. I aim to update the Flatspace soundtrack covers too, plus Bites of Greatness, and perhaps The Tweleve Seasons, although that existing cover is rather good (and also exists in 600dpi, unlike these early albums, which is another motivation to rework these older covers, to bring them up to my current standard resolution).

One other thing done today is making a simple video for the forthcoming Fall in Green track, Mandalino. This is a simple one that uses the old Pierrot ident from ArtSwarm with a simple colour alteration.