Saturday, April 16, 2022

Marius Jobs

Easter Saturday. A few jobs left from yesterday. Compiled the single edit of Masculinity Two and the video, then created a new edit of All The Broken Flowers for that video, each edit of which takes an extraordinary 30 minutes to render in FreeMake. Then I made the video for House of Glass with the new music. Filed the canvas videos, and prepared the project for archiving. I also completed and released the video for The Eternal Dogma.

Destroyed the old Marius Fade CD's - I was undecided whether to destroy all of the copies. I have copies of the 44100hz wav files for historical reasons, but there is some extra data on the CD versions, and new copies will have different printing, so I've retained one copy. No copies were sold or distributed, so this is the only copy of the 2018 music. One other job was to create the new CD surface artwork:

I've made a small list of changes to make to Argus, and want to sample a few more waves from the MODX. These are small jobs, productive distractions. I need to begin work on a new project.