Friday, April 29, 2022

Writing, Egality, Cycles Rehearsal

Two good days of steady work. Spent much of yesterday and few hours today working on my book, which is now 8,000 words or so.

I've also written some songs or poems on the subjects of liberty and egality. The biggest threat and ultimate enemy of egality is liberty. The powerful are always 'free' to do and say as they want, and tend to, wrongly, feel that everyone else is also free. The weak, the poor, and minorities are not free; minorities in a democracy all count as the weak. The free, the powerful, almost always use their power to usurp egality and crush minorities because this is the only way they can sustain or enhance their power - few people voluntarily rescind it. We now live in a world of great freedom, and social media contributes enormously to this, mobs have both power and freedom, and this is the ultimate reason why inequality is now so great. Perhaps here in the free west, we have more freedom at the cost of equality, but then, countries which have suppressed freedom, such as China and Russia, don't appear to be very egalitarian either. I want to make some art about this.

Also practiced some piano for the first recital of the six Cycles tunes, a free performance on the public piano in Crewe Market Hall. This will be the first performance since the premiere at Chester Cathedral. It's amazing how much better the actual real piano version sounds compared to the recorded version, with its synth strings. I now regret recording it in that way, but then, Shadows was always my favourite part of that album.

How I used to love, well still love, playing the piano, but haven't in years and have stopped thinking of writing or recording anything like a piano concerto, which I once dreamed of.

I've also promoted a short sale of Future Snooker and Future Pool, and registered interest for performing at Northwich Art Festival.

This evening I played electric guitar along to Abbey Road. I enjoy playing along to records, it's the closest I can get to a jam session, and still feels like practice.