Friday, April 08, 2022

Music Admin

A long and exhausting day working on music administration, endless music admin, adding to databases, monitoring my music catalogue. I like neatness, filing, order and, yes, databases. This is fortunate, as 25% of being a musician today is this very activity. As a recording artist, I now have 500-1000 tracks and, today, 65 albums, EPs, and singles, in my ouvre, and the admin work for this is huge, and with each new authority, standard, and technological innovation in this area, my workload (and the workload of every record company) grows.

I will spend most of next week on this. I also need to check/proof the new Marius tracks, and then upload and process those, make 13 Spotify Canvases for those, and make 8 for the new Remembrance Service album.

Tomorrow, collection of my paintings from Chester.