Saturday, April 23, 2022

Stomach Pain

A fourth day of crippling stomach pain and abdominal inflammation, complete with a joint explosion of psoriasis. I'm tired due to lack of sleep as well as lack of food, as lying down is problematical. These events strike me down at random and seem to take a long time to recover from. I sit in constant pain, and tend to feel very cold and tired, so thinking or planning work becomes difficult. As a result, I've done very little since Wednesday. The Marius album is confirmed, however, so I've filed this and prepared the new Masculinity Two single for release too.

Yesterday was the Creative Crewe Poetry Blast, the first such event I've attended in 6 years, and my first meeting with the local poets since before the Covid-19 pandemic in Feb 2020. It was really nice, soul warming, to meet these people, though I felt distant from everyone, as I do from all humans these days.

It's rare for me to remain inactive for more than 24-hours never mind four days, but every day I consider work plans and options. There are two options for an artist: living and working, or death. Nothing else.