Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Whiplash, Drums

I spent yesterday recording cymbals and snare drums. At night, Deb and I wanted to watch a film and we had four options. One was a film called Whiplash, which I remember from a few years ago. It's suggestion appeared on the BBC iPlayer page. We tossed coins in a knockout between the four, and Whiplash won. It was odd that this film filled with drum sounds should, by the most random of chances, force itself on me! The film itself was angry and psychologically violent; the protagonist postulating that people need to be attacked to learn to fight back and conquer their aggressor, and that this is necessary to grow and become 'great'. An ideologically fascist idea which seems strangely relevant to these extreme times. Of course, for success, so much depends on personality. Some people need encouragement, some criticism. Some need to be alerted to the reality of their weaknesses, some need to be alerted to the reality of their strengths. I'm more a supporter and encourager than critic.

Final mammoth day of percussion samples with 847 recorded, trimmed, and looped over the past three days. I need to sort them somehow. It's odd that I now have 4 Roland TR808 (famous!) cowbells, for example, and each sounds slightly different - which is the 'actual' TR-808 sound? I have a LOT of TR-808 and TR-909 sounds now, all slightly different.

Tomorrow will be a partial day of rest.