Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Framing, Smoking, Recording

Another busy day. Deb visited to record the vocals for the album, exactly a month since the Crewe Library performance and the start of the recording process - an amazingly long time for me! But, it had to be done correctly. I started the day, however, with another step on the Love and Wi-Fi frame. Here is a look:

I stained this before and after sawing, and before assembly. For purely stained (rather than painted) frames, this is the best way to do things. When painting, it's good to paint before and after assembly, with framer's gesso, that is. The frame has take 4 days work so far, but only about an hour each day. It will take a few more days; I need to cut mounts, varnish it, cut backing boards etc.

Deb arrived at 11 and we started on the vocals, all went well. Bird in Borrowed Feathers raced through, however, so I've slowed it all down. I've also made a few more changes to Prometheus again; now on revision 2.90. Version 2.89 had too many changes! Usually I make changes in one two days, then move on, but this update has lasted a month, due to the size of the upgrade, so I've decided to draw a line in the virtual sand and upgrade the number.

15 years or so ago my father gave up smoking for health reasons. He was a chain smoker and my breathing is still badly affected by my childhood of smoke-filled rooms and burning throats. His smoking was certainly one reason why I could not occupy the same room as he during my younger life, insane outbursts aside. Yesterday, at the age of 73, he's astoundingly taken up smoking again.

I feel tired and somewhat weak myself but my spirit is as strong as ever. Tomorrow I must charge ahead on the music. Stefano has now asked me twice to work on his film soundtrack. I would like to do something like this yes, but someone else is already working on it; I think it's vital for a large work like a soundtrack, album, opera or anything of that sort, to have one voice, for reasons of unity at least. I would at least need artistic control.